Liver Tumor Cure

What is Liver tumor Cure?

Liver tumor is a disease that is deadly and feared by everyone. Liver tumors are common due to chemicals that cannot be manufactured by the body and it forms a seed in the liver is known as a tumor. However, for people with this disease do not have fear because of a variety of treatments have been around for restoring disease. Some examples of treatments that can be made ​​are chemotherapy, surgery and radiotherapy. Each treatment has different side effects, whether it is a temporary effect or even a lifetime. Patients should ask the doctor about the side effects before choosing a treatment. However, there is a cure or an alternative for the treatment of cancer through acupuncture and herbs. In addition to the IRU, vitamin B17 is also good for the treatment of tumors.



Traditional acupuncture is treatment china. It has been long established in the medical industry china and the earliest medical groups. Acupuncture treatment not only cures the disease of cancer and tumors but also other diseases such as stroke, hypertension, diabetes and also hyperactive. Acupuncture treatment is done using a fine needle inserted in a specific section (acupuncture points) in the body. This treatment will not only increase blood flow but it also restores the functions of the body is weak. Centuries ago, these treatments are only used stone and it turns out it is effective and is carried up to now but it uses a different method of using the needle.

Herbs are natural plants that have high nutritional value. Each herb has different properties. Therefore, the use of herbs with acupuncture varies according to the type of disease. For example treatment for cancer patients and tumor snake to eat the herb of grass. Taking herbs with acupuncture treatment is important because it can help one another and heal quickly if the patient does the treatment on schedule. For those who want to try acupuncture and herbal treatments; exceptionally one place that can be shared is The Tole Acupuncture. This treatment center is located in Puchong and Kuala Lumpur.


Vitamin B17

Vitamin B17 is an essential vitamin for the body. This is because vitamin B17 also works as a protector of any infection prevention. For those who are very health conscious, they are important to keep vitamin B17 in daily diet. Vitamin B17 can be found in plants, fruits or grains such as grapes, apple seeds, and plum, peace, strawberry and apricot seeds. Apricot seeds are rich in vitamin B17 and most suitable to cure cancer and tumors. These grains contain vitamin B17 is known as the only amgydalin act on cancer cells.


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July 2, 2014Permalink Leave a comment

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